Keyword density: how important is it for seo?

Ahrefs Content Explorer

Content Explorer is a searchable database of over one billion web pages.

How is this relevant to YouTube keyword research?

Because there are currently over 60 million videos from YouTube in the database, and you can see which of them get lots of traffic from Google search. Like this one:

By creating videos about such topics, you can “double dip” and get traffic to your videos from Google as well as YouTube.

Does it work? Yes. Here’s the traffic we get to our videos from Google:

How do you do it?

Just search for the following in Content Explorer, then filter only for pages with organic traffic:

For example, here’s one of the results from a search on protein powder:

It’s a homemade protein powder recipe, and it gets an estimated 2,000 visits from Google every month. That happens because it ranks for keywords like this…

… where Google shows videos in the search results:

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Final thoughts

Don’t get me wrong; you can find some good keywords with free keyword tools.

But doing so can be very time-consuming. And time is money.

The reality is that time spent mining Google autocomplete for queries is time wasted. The same is true of merging data from multiple free keyword tools in spreadsheets. You should aim to use that time for more important stuff, like creating content or link building.

Furthermore, paid keyword tools—like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer—run on huge amounts of data. That makes them much more efficient at finding low-competition keywords.

Bottom line: free keyword tools are good when you’re starting out, but as you grow your site, you’ll need paid tools to keep up with the competition.

Did we miss any good free keyword research tools? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

What are long-tail keywords?

Keywords can be broad and far-reaching (these are usually called «head keywords»), or they can be a more specific combination of several terms — these are often called «long-tail keywords.»  

Singular keywords might appear to be your ultimate goal as they often have temptingly high search volume. However, they usually have extremely tough competition. You may want your boutique clothing store to rank for «clothes,» but it’s going to be tough to rank above Zappos and Nordstrom.

On top of that strong competition, singular keywords can be infuriatingly vague. If someone is searching for «dog,» you don’t know if they want a list of dog breeds, information about dog food, a place to buy a dog collar, or just a site with cute photos of dogs.

Long-tail keywords usually have more clearly defined intent. For example, «best organic dog food for a puppy,» or «inexpensive dog walkers Seattle.» You’ll also find that long-tail keywords have less competition, with room for a smaller site to break in and make their mark on the SERPs.

3) Prioritize search intent, instead of “density”

Content is written for people to read, and that is more important than writing for search engine algorithms.

When creating content, try to put yourself in the reader’s point of view. Read the text out loud. Does it sound natural? If yes, then you’re on the right track. Otherwise, you’ll need to re-write and clean up the content.

Google’s Hummingbird algorithm update in 2013 has emphasized on: “natural writing rather than forced keywords.” It now attempts to understand the user’s search intent to find pages that match that intent, instead of focusing solely on exact-match keywords.

Google has also published Word2vec, an open source toolkit, that can learn the meaning behind words. Using distributed representation of text to capture similarities among concepts, Word2vec can understand how certain terms are related to one another, in ways that it may not connect to a different but similar term.

This chart shows how Word2vec can learn the differences between capital cities, just by crawling through lots of articles:


The example in the graph above shows how Word2vec understands that:

  • Paris and France are related in the same way Berlin and Germany are (capital and country)
  • But, not the same way Madrid and Italy are related (capitals of different countries)

When you write in a natural language, it not only gives an excellent signal to Google’s search algorithm but also makes it more readable for the average user.

Good user experience will then result in:

  • Lower bounce rates = Users will stick around longer
  • Lower exit rates = Lesser chance users will pogo-stick to other pages

Search engines will read these metrics as a sign of a page with high relevancy, giving it better rankings on SERP.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Keywords Explorer runs on a database of over 640 million YouTube keywords.

You can search for almost any keyword and see metrics powered by clickstream data, including local and global search volume (for nearly every country), clicks, click percentage, and more.

What does that mean in real terms? It means you can see how many people search for a query on YouTube every month, and also how many of those searches result in clicks on search results.

Looking at clicks and volume together can tell you more than looking at search volume in isolation.

For example, the search volume for “ramen recipe” is ~20% higher than “palak paneer recipe,” but the latter gets more clicks than the former:

That means you’re probably better off showing people how to make palak paneer than ramen.

Keywords Explorer also lets you check SEO metrics for up to 10,000 keywords at a time. Just paste them in or upload a file.

Or, if you’re short of keyword ideas, search for a seed keyword and check one of the five keyword ideas reports.

The reports at your disposal are:

  • Phrase match: Keywords containing the exact seed word or phrase.
  • Having same terms: Keywords containing all words in your seed query, but not necessarily in the order entered. E.g., If you seed is “salmon recipe,” then both “easy salmon recipe” and “recipe with salmon” will match.
  • Newly discovered: Keywords added to the database recently.
  • Questions: Keywords phrased as questions.
  • All keyword ideas: Keywords from all the reports above in one.

There are filters across all reports so you can narrow down hundreds or thousands of ideas quickly and easily.

Learn more about YouTube keyword research in this post or this video:

Why are keywords important?

Keywords are important because they are the linchpin between what people are searching for and the content you are providing to fill that need. Your goal in ranking on search engines is to drive organic traffic to your site from the search engine result pages (SERPs), and the keywords you choose to target (meaning, among other things, the ones you choose to include in your content) will determine what kind of traffic you get. If you own a golf shop, for example, you might want to rank for «new clubs» — but if you’re not careful, you might end up attracting traffic that’s interested in finding a new place to dance after dark.

Keywords are as much about your audience as they are about your content, because you might describe what you offer in a slightly different way than some people ask for it. To create content that ranks well organically and drives visitors to your site, you need to understand the needs of those visitors — the language they use and the type of content they seek. You can do this by talking to your customers, frequenting forums and community groups, and doing your own keyword research with a tool like Keyword Explorer.

План ключевых слов Google: подготовка к запуску кампании

В Плане ключевых слов доступны такие отчеты:

  • Раздел «Обзор плана». Здесь можно посмотреть общую статистику по всем ключевикам по таким показателям: клики, показы, стоимость, CTR, средняя цена за клик в разрезе всех ключевиков. 
  • Раздел «Группы объявлений». Доступны прогнозы в разрезе каждой группы объявлений по кликам, показам, стоимости при заданной максимальной цене за клик. Статистика меняется при изменении максимальной цены за клик.
  • Раздел «Ключевые слова». Здесь можно посмотреть статистику по каждому ключевику: клики, показы, стоимость при заданной максимальной цене за клик. Система пересчитывает статистику при изменении максимальной цены за клик.
  • Раздел «Местоположения». В отчете показывается, как распределяются показы по регионам. Эти отчеты нагладны для кампаний, которые таргетируются на несколько регионов. Например, на Москву и Московскую Область. Мы таргетируемся только на Санкт-Петербург, поэтому для нас этот отчет не информативный.

Перейдем в раздел «Обзор плана». Прогноз показывает, что запуск кампании по всем добавленным ключевым словам принесет нам 1,1 тыс. кликов. Прогнозная стоимость рекламной кампании составляет 18 тыс. руб. Запланированный бюджет — 55 тыс. руб., поэтому мы можем продвигаться по всем словам.

Ознакомимся со статистикой из раздела «Ключевые слова». Из таблицы мы видим, что по умолчанию установлена высокая максимальная цена за клик — 880 руб.

Даже при такой высокой цене за клик мы покрываем расходы на рекламу. Однако для снижения риска скликивания бюджета установим ставку на среднем уровне — 60 руб. за клик. В дальнейшем будем корректировать ставку в зависимости от полученного результата. 

Как изменить максимальную цену за клик

  1. Устанавливаем цену в окне настроек.

Сохраняем изменения — система рассчитывает прогнозные данные.

Мы видим, что бюджет на рекламу изменился не сильно (с 18 до 17 тыс. руб). Прогнозируемое количество кликов не изменилось — 1,1 тыс. 

Добавляем все слова в кампанию. Если в дальнейшем по кампании будет мало трафика, мы увеличим ставку и/или добавим новые ключевые слова.

Добавление ключевых слов в кампанию

До запуска кампании остался один шаг — добавление слов в кампанию.

  1. В окне настроек указываем название кампании и средний дневной бюджет.

После сохранения изменений Google создает кампанию.

В результате работы с Планировщиком мы создали кампанию из 58 групп объявлений, в которых находится 1389 слов. 

Прогноз по кампании на месяц:

  • Рекламный бюджет — 17 тыс. руб.
  • Количество кликов — 1,1 тыс.
  • Показы — 6,3 тыс.
  • CTR — 17,2%.

Приведенные данные являются прогнозными. После запуска кампании статистика будет отличаться от прогноза. 

Keyword match type summaries

Match type Special symbol Example keyword Ads may show on searches that contain: Example searches
Broad match none women’s hats Close variations of the keyword, related searches, and other relevant variations. The words in the keyword don’t have to be present in a user’s search.
  • buy ladies hats
  • women’s clothing
  • women’s scarves
  • winter headwear for women
Broad match modifier +keyword +women’s +hats All the terms designated with a + sign (or close variations of those terms) in any order. Close variations include terms with the same meaning. Additional words may appear before, after, or between the terms.
  • women’s scarves and hats
  • winter hats for women
  • hats for stylish ladies
Phrase match “keyword” “women’s hats” Matches of the phrase (or close variations of the phrase) with additional words before or after. Close variations include terms with the same meaning.
  • blue women’s hats
  • buy hats for women
  • ladies hats on sale
Exact match Exact matches of the term or close variations of that exact term with the same meaning.
  • women’s hats
  • ladies hats
  • hats for women
  • hats women

Тайны платной версии Кейворд Тулс Про

Итак, произносим волшебную фразу “Абра- Кадабра” оплачиваем Про аккаунт, снимаем с шеи жабу и смотрим, что у нас там. В заветном Про аккаунте…

А там все нормально. Все показатели открыты. Кстати, информациюможно скачать все в отдельный файл.

Вот такую картину видим для Ютуба. Видна общая динамика. Можно посмотреть обобщенный показатели. Даже есть фильтр (слева)

Ну а можно (и нужно) просмотреть информацию по поисковым фразам

Обратите внимание, что есть градация уровней конкуренции от слабой к сильной. Это можно посмотреть во всплывающих подсказках

В нашем случае, мы для раскрутки ролика на Ютуб можем взять фразу “Реклама в интернете виды“. У нее самый высокие показы при низкой конкуренции. То есть, есть вероятность, что такую фразу будет легче “протолкнуть” в топы Ютуба.

Теперь проверяем эту же фразу в Гугле. И видим, что у нее на поиске Гугл тоже ооочень неплохие показатели!

То есть можно предположить, что и на поиске Гугл это видео появится! То есть, Ваше видео по этой ключевой фразе.

Но… есть и “засады”. К сожалению, не по всем ключевым фразам картинка такая радостная. Некоторые фразы почему-то показываю совсем не ту статистику, которая есть на самом деле. Я подробнее по это рассказал в своем ролике ниже.

Только не думайте, что одним подбором крутой ключевой фразы и отличной оптимизацией ролика Вы сразу выведете его в ТОП Ютуба! Вовсе нет… На “поднятие” ролика работает много факторов, о которых мы поговорим в следующих статьях. Но… правильно подобранная ключевая фраза значительно увеличит шанс на “всплытие” Вашего ролика! Учтите это!

Ну и посмотрите мое небольшое видео про то, что я написал выше (и про то, что не написал…)

Надеюсь, Вам теперь понятно, что внутри у платной версии Кейворд тул Про аккаунт. Ну а покупать или нет этот сервис – решать уже Вам!

Ваш Nаставник онлайN

Александр Бессонов

Google Trends

Google Trends shows whether interest in a topic on YouTube is rising or declining over time.

For example, let’s search for “apple watch,” select “YouTube search” from the dropdown, set the country to the United States, and set the range to the past three years.

What we see is that interest in this topic, on YouTube, is slowly rising.

It’s also clear that there semi-regular spikes in interest. If we analyze these spikes further, we see that they occur at roughly the same time each year—Christmas.

Putting two and two together, it’s likely that these spikes occur because lots of people get an Apple Watch for Christmas. After which, they head to YouTube to learn how to use it.

The takeaway? If you run a tech channel, publishing a video about “how to use an apple watch” on December 25th wouldn’t be a bad strategy because that’s when the most people are searching for this.

Google Trends also lets you compare the relative popularity of two or more keywords.

For example, if we compare “how to use iPhone XS” with “how to use Galaxy S10,” we see there are more searches for the former on YouTube than the latter…

… although interest is on the rise for the S10.

This is a useful exercise if you have a few video ideas and are unsure which one to prioritize.

You can also use Trends to find new topics for videos. Just look at the related queries section.

These are all queries that have seen an increase in searches recently on YouTube.

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WordStream’s AdWords Performance Grader is a revolutionary new tool that helps you evaluate how your AdWords campaigns are performing on several key criteria such as:

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vidIQ is another freemium Chrome extension that adds additional data to the YouTube UI.

Much of its functionality is similar to TubeBuddy. In the search results, it shows search volume, competition, overall keyword score, related queries, keyword stats, and the tags from the top-ranking videos.

vidIQ doesn’t tell us the precise formula they use for the “competition” score. However, they do state they look at the “total amount of engagements (across YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook), view velocity of that video, and views.”

On video results, the stats you see are almost identical to TubeBuddy.

However, one small but useful difference is the ability to export video tags to CSV in a single click (without adding to tags lists first).

vidIQ also shows channel tags alongside video tags, whereas TubeBuddy doesn’t.

This is useful for getting a sense of the main topics a channel covers, and whether it’s worth analyzing more of their videos for potential video ideas.

Like TubeBuddy, vidIQ also suggests tags when you upload a video.

All in all, most of the functionality between vidIQ and TubeBuddy is so similar that it mostly comes down to personal preference.

But one unique feature worth mentioning is their trending videos feature, specifically for channels.

What this allows you to do is see any competing channel’s top videos by view velocity (i.e., the average views per hour).

To see it, head over to the channel’s page and hit the “Trending” tab.

This information is valuable because newly-published YouTube videos tend to get most of their traction in the first 48 hours—which is when YouTube promotes the video to subscribers.

After that, if the video performed well, it gets promoted to other audiences via browse features.

This is important. It means that if you see old videos with a high view velocity, then those may be good topics/keywords to target on your own channel.

Reason being, the overarching topic/keyword clearly has longevity.

Here’s an example from Tasty’s YouTube channel:

Their video about easy 3‑ingredient recipes still gets over 3,000 views per hour on average, despite being published over ten months ago.

Sidenote. The free version of vidIQ only shows you a limited number of videos. 

How can Ultimate Keyword Hunter help you to find relevant LSI keywords and write high ranking articles?

Manual research takes too long. It shouldn’t be like this. You definitely will need appropriate software to do a dirty work for you, and do it really carefully, without loosing anything important and not to clutter up too much.

Ultimate Keyword Hunter is an absolutely free tool which aim is to find the perfect LSI related terms and keywords with ease.

We have developed this tool for our needs and then decided to share it with anyone interested.

Our research tool is one of the several ones on the market. But in our opinion we have some pretty features that lack in other free tools.You can see main features list on the download page.

Below you can find a brief guide with 4 steps on how to use UKH for your needs.

Why do you need to use LSI keywords to succeed? Coz it boosts search engine ranks!

Starting from about year 2010, Google implemented set of significant changes, that have drastically changed Search Engine Optimization approach.

We consider your main goal is to get more visitors, and to convert them into real customers, doesn’t matter either you are selling something directly or through affiliate agreement or you are earning money with Adsense or other context advertisement system.

In order to get more visitors with zero money investment, you are to provide high quality content, that will be very valuable and relevant for those, who are looking for information in the search engine. And thus it will rank high in the top of Search Engine. But keep in mind, generally it is rather long term perspective.

What is relevant content according to Search Engine point of view? Relevant means matching the topic. The most relevant web site page for the target keyword is the page having content with a certain amount of themed words and phrases (Latent Semantic Related Terms), as well as other type of media content. Generally it is something that will fully satisfy users needs.

What is high quality content? High quality content is relevant content that is well organized and presented to the user. Question: How can Google then know what is finally more relevant and what is less? Answer: User Behaviour factors. For example, users tend to spend much more time on the pages that are interesting to them. It is a fact. Objectively it is descriptive, well organized and valuable information.

Using in the article properly selected related and synonymous terms for the topic you are writing about, significantly increases your ranking!

You are showing to Google that your article deserves to be in the top because your article is very descriptive for the given keyword and you have a very good themed and relevant content that will be extremely useful for visitors.

Yes, it is just that simple.

Making Your SEO Keywords Work for You

Now that you’ve found the best keywords, you need to put them to work in order to get SEO results (search-driven traffic, conversions, and all that good stuff).

So: how to proceed? On the one hand, SEO best practices recommend that you include relevant keywords in a number of high-attention areas on your site, everywhere from the titles and body text of your pages to your URLs to your meta tags to your image file names. On the other hand, successfully optimized websites tend to have thousands or even millions of keywords. You can’t very well craft a single, unique page for every one of your keywords; at the same time, you can’t try to cram everything onto a handful of pages with keyword stuffing and expect to rank for every individual keyword. It just doesn’t work that way.

So how does it work? The answer is keyword grouping and organization. By dividing your keywords into small, manageable groups of related keywords, you’ll cut down on your workload (significantly), while still creating targeted, specific pages.

For example, let’s say you were running the website of an online pet store. You might be wise to create one keyword grouping for all your dog-related products, then one for all of your parakeet-related projects, etc. The next step would be to segment each individual group into smaller subgroups (parakeet cages, parakeet toys, parakeet snacks) and then even smaller groups for each type of product (low-fat parakeet snacks, luxury parakeet snacks… you get the idea). Now your pet store can create individual pages optimized for each small keyword group.

A marketer attempting to optimize a web page for the «gourmet parakeet snacks» keyword group should consider doing most if not all of the following:

  • Using the keyword in the title of the page
  • Using the keyword in the URL (e.g.,
  • Using the keyword, and variations (e.g., «gourmet parakeet snacks»), throughout the page copy
  • Using the keyword in the meta tags, especially the meta description
  • Using the keyword in any image file paths and in the images’ alt text
  • Using the keyword as the anchor text in links back to the page from elsewhere on the site

When optimizing your web pages, keep in mind that keyword relevance is more important than keyword density in SEO.

What can a good competitor keyword analysis give you?

Marketing is not just about branding and well-designed landing pages. There’s a lot of analysis that goes behind it, and it’s no different than with search engine marketing (SEM).

Since keywords will set the direction of your SEM strategy, it’ll be a good idea to start with thorough keyword analysis. It’s tedious and time-consuming, so what can you get out of it? A lot, actually:

  • Improve conversion rates by finding relevant, low-competition but high-converting keywords.
  • Optimize ad spend by distributing and prioritizing budgets toward better performing keywords and reduce spending on low-converting keywords.
  • Identify trends from keyword research by learning about consumer and market behaviours, which can be applied to other parts of your business.
  • Find new markets by targeting and expanding semantic keywords and long tail keywords to discover more specific queries which may provide better clicks, leads, and conversions
  • Improve campaign efficiency through optimizing and prioritizing time and effort on high-performing keywords that give a visible impact on your bottom line

As you can see, keyword analysis can be incredibly useful. It helps with fine tuning your marketing plans, ad budget management, and most importantly, create more effective SEM and SEO strategies.

4) A click-worthy title is worth more than keyword optimization

Google looks at more than just keyword matching. It also measures user engagement of your content to determine if the content you provide matches what users are searching.

If your title tag and meta description contain keywords that are being searched for, it will be more likely for a user to click it. As a result, your content will receive higher click-through rates which then gives a positive signal to search crawlers.

When crafting your title tag, try to avoid click-bait titles that are unrelated to your content. Users will likely bounce off your page quickly, and Google doesn’t like that.

Keyword targeting alone in SEO writing is no longer adequate. You also need to write captivating copy for your titles and content that captures attention.

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